Call: 0345 758 1545

Got a fault with your steam iron? We can help…

All you have to do is:

  1. Fill out the quote form with a few basic details – we’ll then send you a quote for collecting, repairing and returning your steam iron.
  2. If you’re happy to go ahead, package up the faulty machine and arrange for a courier to collect your steam iron from your home/work at a time that will suit you, Alternatively we can collect your steam iron at an additional cost.
  3. Our qualified engineers will repair it before it being cleaned, safety tested and returned to you in full working order, and with a 3-month’s warranty too.
  4. You’ll even get all the details via an SMS to enable you to track your precious steam iron throughout the whole process!
Please complete the form opposite and one of our advisers will be in contact with you shortly. Please note, all fields with an Asterix are required to be completed for the form to send.

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